Tuesday, February 23, 2010

People who dont get the Murse

You know who really grinds my gears?

People who dont get the Murse. One might ask what a murse is. To clarify, Man+Purse=Murse.

Ok, so the murse might be gods gift to men. It holds EVERYTHING from snacks, to books, to macbooks, to magazines, to bottles of wine, to keys, to news papers.

There are some people out there who tease me for having a large tote bag and carrying it as a murse. One, you are just jealous that you cant pull off a large Burberry Murse. Two, you are pissed that you get caught sneaking large bottles in to the dorms on a Saturday night, when I don't (yeah, dumbass, who uses a backpack for legit purposes on the weekend... well.... maybe a stern student). Three, you are simply not cool enough.

So guys, jump on the murse train. You wont regret it!

PS-Thanks to William Sledd for supporting the Murse
PPS- Why does MURSE not register with spell check. Apple, fix this IMMEDIATELY!!

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